Pro-Life without Apology, without Compromise, without Exception

The ACE Wings represent the loss of life to abortion of one preborn life. The “Precious Feet” on the ACE Wings are the size and shape of an unborn baby’s feet at 10 weeks after conception. The wings remind us of an aborted soul, now an angel in heaven. Also, five kills designated a flying ace, giving us the name of Pro-Life ACE Wings.
Our Holy Father has called us to be Pro-Life from conception to natural death. The Pro-Life ACE Wings program helps focus our attention and activity on the most vulnerable in our society, the unborn. Since it is legal to kill a baby in the womb, i.e., commit abortion, we must keep this in the forefront. This is why the requirements for the Pro-Life ACE Wings begins with four events related to the unborn.
For questions or more information about the ACE Wings program, contact the Pro-Life ACE Wings Coordinator.
Requirements of the Pro-Life Silver ACE Wings Program
You must participate in a minimum of five public Pro-Life events during the fraternal year to qualify for the Pro-Life Silver ACE Wings.
- Four of the five Pro-Life events must relate to the unborn. The following events are common examples:
- Participate regularly in sidewalk counseling
- Volunteer at a pregnancy resource center
- March in the National March for Life in Washington, D.C. or the Virginia March for Life in Richmond, VA
- Participate in the Silver Rose Program
- Participate in a Pro-Life Rosary Procession or pray outside abortion facilities
- View the movie Unplanned
- Participate in a Pro-Life Mass
- Participate in the 40 Days for Life Campaign
- Attend a Pro-Life conference
- Attend a Pro-Life dinner
- Make a Pro-Life presentation to a youth group
- Notes:
- You may participate in other events; however, they will be reviewed to ensure they meeting the requirements.
- You will receive double credit (counts as two events) for being a marshal at the National March for Life or at the Virginia March for Life.
- The fifth Pro-Life event can relate to the unborn (listed above) or another area of Pro-Life, such as:
- Volunteering for Special Olympics
- Providing entertainment or volunteering at a nursing home, hospice, or veterans facility
- Participating in a Global Wheelchair Mission event
- Participating or volunteering for a Habitat for Humanity event
Private Pro-Life events, such as saying the Rosary privately or at a council meeting or offering up a private intention at Mass, while always encouraged, do not count as ACE Wings qualifying activities.
Requirements of the Pro-Life Gold ACE Wings Program
The Pro-Life Gold ACE Wings is the highest individual award that the Virginia State Council presents to a Knight who’s constant and fearless love for the preborn has helped babies to live and Pro-Life ministries to thrive. Pro-Life Gold ACE Wings:
- Are earned by Knights who have been recognized for their outstanding Pro-Life efforts year in and year out.
- Can only be earned once.
- Are only presented at the Virginia State Council Annual Meeting and State Convention.
How to Apply
Complete the applicable Pro-Life ACE Wings Recipient Application any time during the fraternal year.
Upon receipt of the application, the State ACE Wings Coordinator will review and, if approved, send a set of ACE Wings to the applicant’s District Deputy (or other Knight as requested) for presentation.
The District Deputy, State ACE Wings Coordinator, State Officer, or Grand Knight will present the ACE Wings to the recipient.
Additionally …
- Councils may request that their parish priests or deacons receive the ACE Wings. The applicant does not have to list five events that the priest or deacon has completed: instead, the applicant simply indicates why he is nominating the priest or deacon in the first event line on the application. If the priest or deacon is Pro-Life, he deserves the Pro-Life ACE Wings.
- If a District Deputy or Faithful Navigator submits an application, he can sign in place of the Grand Knight and use the recipient’s council number for tracking purposes.
- Since wives very often participate in Pro-Life activities alongside their husbands, the application provides for including wives, when appropriate, to receive Pro-Life ACE Wings with their husbands. *
- A council may present the ACE Wings only once a year to a non-Knight in their local community who has demonstrated a strong Pro-Life stance. *
- We encourage ACE Wings recipients to continue to support Pro-Life events; however, the Virginia State Council will only present one set of Pro-Life ACE Wings to a recipient. Contact the Pro-Life ACE Wings Coordinator to replace lost or damaged ACE Wings. *
*Note: Please send a $7.00 check made payable to the Virginia State Council directly to the State Secretary and indicate ACE Wings on the memo line for the following:
- ACE Wings presented to wives
- ACE Wings presented to non-Knights
- Replacement ACE Wings
The ACE Wings will not be sent until the State Secretary receives the payment.