The Southeast method of recruitment was developed and perfected by the South Carolina State Council, which positions itself near the top of the Order in new membership growth year after year. They recently explained their approach to other jurisdictions in the Southeast region, and it is producing results everywhere. See what this approach can do for your council.

Here is how the system works, but please coordinate your efforts with the state membership team ( and use us as a resource.

  1. Provide the following pamphlets to prospects (Helpful Tip: Order these informational materials through your field agent because he doesn’t have to pay for shipping.):
  2. Print the gray card (English or Spanish) on gray card stock. There are two cards per sheet.
  3. Clip the gray cards and the informational brochures together using a vinyl paper clip and include an inexpensive pen to create a recruitment packets. If your pastor allows, distribute the packets to prospects before mass.
  4. Use the pulpit announcement as written (English or Spanish) if your pastor allows. The pulpit announcement is simple and has produced widespread results.
  5. Collect the gray cards after mass and assign one or two council members to take the cards and enter the information info the online membership application. Again, talk to your field agent as he might be willing to complete this task. Advise prospects of the following:
    • They will receive a call and/or text confirming the submission of their application.
    • They will receive an email at the email address provided on the online application which includes a link they must click to complete the registration process. They should check their Spam or Junk folder if they don’t receive the email in their Inbox.
  6. Report your results to the state membership team (, so we can share how this system is working in Virginia compared to other jurisdictions.

Resource: Southeast System Presentation

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