Religious Freedom Day
Rappahannock Assembly #1613 sponsored its annual Religious Freedom Day in Fredericksburg on Sunday, January 12. The annual event in Fredericksburg celebrates Thomas Jefferson’s drafting of the Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom, which was a precursor to the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and a landmark of religious liberty. The Virginia State Council officers and other dignitaries were present.
Pictured here are the combined Color Guard and State Officers.

Wreaths Across America
December 14 was Wreaths Across America Day nationwide, a day on which wreaths are placed on the graves of veterans. St. Paul’s Assembly #1166 led the local event at All Saints Catholic Cemetery in Portsmouth. Many veterans and volunteers, including students from Portsmouth Catholic Regional School, a Purple Star School, laid 200 wreaths on veterans’ graves.
Pictured here is the Color and Honor Guard members from Assemblies 1166 and 1505 that conducted the closing ceremony.

Presentation of Colors at POW/MIA Convention
Ten Sir Knights from Assemblies 1162, 1166, and 1505 under the command of Regional Marshal Ed Nettleton performed the Presentation of Colors at the opening ceremony of the POW/MIA Convention. The following video shows the ceremony.