The Virginia State Council’s Penny per Knight per Day (PKD) fund is an accumulation of donations from various groups across the state of Virginia, who support the jurisdiction’s Vocations program. PKD is based on the idea that the accumulation of many donations of one penny ($.01) each day, or $3.65 per year donated by an individual provides enough income to support the respective vocations programs of both the Richmond and Arlington Dioceses, as well as the Archdiocese for the Military Services.

For over twenty years, the Virginia State Council has donated $15,000.00 each to the Richmond and Arlington Dioceses and $10,000.00 to the Archdiocese for the Military Services to assist in their respective vocations programs.

Donations are critical to the success of the PKD program and can come from individuals, Knights of Columbus councils and assemblies, the Ladies of Virginia (LOV), and parish or community groups.

To donate, mail a check payable to the Virginia State Council to State Secretary Trey Hart at 5235 Fisher Crest Lane, Richmond, VA 23231. Write PKD in the memo line. Groups and individuals can also give their donation checks to their local Knights of Columbus councils which will forward them to the Virginia State Council.

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