All Virginia Knights are encouraged to participate in and support the statewide Virginia Knights of Columbus charity programs.

KOVAR Corporation is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization established in 1971 with a mission to empower nonprofit organizations with financial support to improve access to affordable housing, job training, sports participation, and personal care for Virginians with intellectual disabilities (ID).

To donate, you can make an online contribution or mail a check payable to KOVAR to:

KOVAR Treasurer
P.O. Box 20872
Roanoke, VA 24018-0088

Visit the KOVAR website.

Virginia Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc. (VKCCI) is a tax-exempt organization that helps people in need throughout the state. Since its incorporation on July 1, 1994, VKCCI has distributed 1155 grants totaling over $2.07 million to individuals in need.

To donate, you can make an online contribution or mail a check payable to VKCCI to:

Ronald P. Gorman, VKCCI Treasurer
116 Meredith Way
Newport News, VA 23606

Visit the VKCCI website.

The Rev Michael J. Bader Memorial Scholarship Program is governed by Virginia State Council By-laws resolution 2021-10.  The program is supported by specified funds within the state council’s General Fund and, unlike the state’s KOVAR and VKCCI charities, it is not a separate 501(c)3 incorporated charity.  The Scholarship Fund relies exclusively on specified donations from K of C and other entities throughout the State. The governing resolution specifies the level of funds that must be available for awards to be made.

Donations may be made at any time during the fraternal year.  Donations must be sent directly to the State Secretary and can come from individuals or any Knights of Columbus entity, including councils, assemblies, Squires Circles, corporations, the Virginia State Council, the Virginia District of the Fourth Degree, and the Ladies of Virginia.

Visit the Father Bader Memorial Scholarship page.

Penny Per Knight Per Day (PKD)

The Virginia State Council’s Penny per Knight per Day (PKD) fund is an accumulation of donations from various groups across the state of Virginia, who support the Virginia Knights of Columbus State’s Vocations program.

Visit the Penny Per Knight Per Day (PKD) page.

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