State Deputy Message

Worthy Brother Knights and Families,

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve as your State Deputy for the fraternal year 2024-2025 as we celebrate the Virginia State Council’s 125th year!  The jurisdiction of Virginia has a legacy of strong leaders who embraced and promoted the guiding principles of the Knights of Columbus: charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. I will do my best to follow in my predecessors’ footsteps and continue Virginia’s proud tradition of being the best jurisdiction in the Order.

Lisa and I are very proud to be representing the jurisdiction of Virginia this fraternal year. As we have already attended a few Installations of council officers, it is clear that there is a great deal of positive spiritual energy throughout the state of Virginia. We are so much looking forward to traveling the state and visiting as many councils as we can.

As most of you know “Have Faith and Fear Not” is the theme for this year.

For over 40 years, rooted in words spoken by the Lord Jesus in the gospels, this theme has echoed and re-echoed in my mind and heart.

We know not what the future will unveil for us in our personal lives, within the family, in our beloved church, and in this nation founded on the belief in God with liberty and justice for all. But, whatever comes, we cling to the fact that God is with us and will never abandon us.

Pope Francis has proclaimed this the Year of Prayer. What better way to deepen our faith than to pray to God daily and in every circumstance of life. Prayer is essential because it draws us closer to God, and also leads to enduring faith and hope. When we pray, we are opening our hearts to Him so that He can work in us and through us.

My Brothers, as we begin this new fraternal year, we know not what we will encounter. But this we know with absolute conviction. Our God is with us, made visible through his Son Jesus Christ who says to us: “Have Faith and Fear Not.”

Thank you all again and I look forward to seeing all your councils’ successes and seeing more families joining your council as part of the Knights of Columbus.

May God Bless you, the Knights of Columbus and the United States of America.

Vivat Jesus!


Bob Jones
State Deputy