Highlights of Council and Assembly activities and events that have taken the principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism to the another level.
Featuring: Fr. Cyril Karlowicz Council 9002 – Knights Hands Program
Click on the Council or Assembly below to read the account:
(NEW) The Fr. Cyril Karlowicz Council 9002 in Woodstock, Virginia gathers volunteer parish youth every first Saturday of the month to participate in the Knights Hands Program (KHP). Fr. Cyril Karlowicz Council 9002
Sts. Peter and Paul Council 11475 of Palmyra once again went above and beyond to provide for their sponsored a health center in Uganda. St. Peter and Paul Council 11475
Father Sikora Council 7992 in Burke, Virginia works with a non-profit organization in Kentucky to build houses for the poor. Read the Article Father Sikora Council 7992
The Knights of Battlefield Council 10246 in Chancellorsville, Virginia identified a great way to practice “Leave No Neighbor Behind.” Battlefield Council 10246
Mount Vernon Council Knights of Columbus Stepping Up to Help Provide COVID-19 Testing to the Community of Alexandria, VA. Mount Vernon Council 5998