The 125th Annual Meeting and State Convention of the Virginia State Council will be held Friday, May 2, through Sunday, May 4, 2025, at the Wyndham Virginia Beach Oceanfront hotel. See the information and registration form link below.

Hotel Information

The discounted room rate at the Wyndham Virginia Beach Oceanfront is $99 plus tax and fees per night, and the rate is good for three days before and three days after the convention. You must reserve your room by April 8, 2025, to get the discounted rate.

If you are checking in before May 1 and/or checking out after May 4, call 757-428-7025 and mention “Knights of Columbus State Convention”. Please note you can use the following for reservations between May 1 and May 4:

Registration Form

Please complete and submit the 2025 Annual Meeting and State Convention Registration form along with your payment by the convention registration deadline of April 11, 2025.

If you have any questions or need assistance with filling out this form, please contact John Cochran, Convention Comptroller, by email at or by text or call at 757-705-9933.


Brother Knights and their guests can use the 2025 Annual Meeting and State Convention Registration form to sign up for one of the following excursions scheduled for Friday, May 2. All excursions will depart the Wyndham about 9:00 – 9:30 a.m. and return about 12:30 – 1:00 p.m. Neither brunch nor lunch is included, but all facilities have snack bars.

Excursion #1 – Show Me the Money: Yes, we are transporting you to the Rivers Casino in Portsmouth, Virginia.  Perhaps you too can become like Jerry Maguire and start yelling “show me the money” after your big win or winnings.  Please know all attendees will be receiving an incentive package to help get you started on your millions.  Regretfully I cannot share with you the amount of your incentive package because it is dependent upon the number within the group.  The cost is $35.00 per person.

Excursion #2 – Tour of the USS Wisconsin and Naval Museum: This is a walking tour of the USS Wisconsin who served and defended our great country for over 47 years, and I could tell you more, but it would require a spoiler alert.  The Naval Museum which is owned and operated by the US Navy is also quite amazing, just full of lots of interesting information.  There are actual sound bites from two Brother Knights upon their release from the Hanoi Hilton, not your 5-star hotel.  The cost is $35.00 per person.

Excursion #3 – Tour of the Naval Museum and a Norfolk Naval Base Cruise: You will tour the Naval Museum and then board the Victory Rover for a two-hour cruise along the Elizabeth River.  During your cruise you will witness some of the finest Naval Hardware and military readiness in the world.  The cost is $45.00 per person.

Excursion #4 – Tour NAS Oceana Air Traffic Control Tower and Visit Aircraft Park and the Veterans Freedom Flame: NAS Oceana is one of two Master Jet Bases in the entire world.  The tour is fantastic, but access is dependent up the Threat Cons and your ability to obtain the clearance required to gain access to the base.  If interested you will have to provide your full name, your driver license number and the state from which it was issued by 1 April to John or myself.  The PAO working with Security will then run background checks on those hoping to be granted access.  In addition to the air traffic control tower, you will visit their aircraft park as well as the Freedom Flame.  The cost is $20.00 per person.

Golf Outing

The 2025 Convention Golf Outing will be a Captain’s Choice tournament at Honey Bee Golf Club, a Rees Jones design. The par 70 course is located at 2500 Independence Boulevard, approximately 25 minutes from the hotel. Play with your friends or be placed in a foursome. The shotgun start will be at 8:00 a.m. Your $80 entry fee pays for range balls, green fees, cart, and prizes. You can also purchase a mulligan package and 50/50 drawing tickets. The awarding of prizes and 50/50 drawing will occur after all play is complete. Lunch will not be provided.

In addition to completing convention registration form, please use the Golf Outing Registration Form to sign up your team of up to four players, or as a single.

Convention Program Advertising Information

The State Convention Program provides value and memorable information for the convention attendees. The Program ads defray some of the cost associated with the annual meeting.

This is an opportunity for Councils, Districts, and Assemblies to express their thanks and congratulatory remarks for another great year, as well as, for commercial sponsors to advertise.

Speaking of “another great year” please note this is also Virginia’s 125th anniversary of being part of this great organization known as the Knights of Columbus. Yes, from our humble beginnings commencing with Council 367, the “first Council in the South”, to present our fellow Brother Knights of Virginia, have done truly amazing and great things for our local communities, as well as, for the Order. So, it is most acceptable and encouraged to include anniversary wishes within this year’s ads.

The Program serves as a guide to convention activities and a keepsake of the events. It serves as out state yearbook, with portraits of our leadership, district deputies, and the state staff who work tirelessly to make the fraternal year a success. The Program provides the convention schedule, so you know where to be, when, and what to wear.

Advertisement Page Size, Dimensions, and Cost

Full Page8″ x 10.5″$300
Half Page8″ x 5.25″$175
Quarter Page4″ x 5.25″$100

The deadline for submitting your advertisement is April 1, 2025, and earlier submissions will be greatly appreciated. Submissions should be submitted in both PDF and JPEG formats. Checks should be made payable to the Virginia State Convention and mailed to:

PSD Pat O’Donnell, State Convention Chairman
2608 Wimbledon Point Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23454

Should you or anyone have any questions or require additional information please do not hesitate to contact Pat O’Donnell at 757-289-4310 or

Midyear Meeting Presentation

If you were unable to attend the Midyear Meeting, click here to see the State Convention deck that Convention Chairman Pat O’Donnell, PSD presented during the meeting.

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